Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It was time to celebrate

The state average of passing students was 77%; you all were 98%. The state average of students earning a score of 4 or higher was 60%; you all were 87%. The state's mean score was 3.8; your
mean score was 4.4!!! That's AMAZING! My hat's off to you!

Here are my TOP DOGS:
Level 6 - Heather, Adrian, Michael L., Jessica Mart. (The only four in our school to earn a 6)
Level 5.5 - Yovanni T., Blanca R., Maite, Angel V., Marvin M.,
Level 5 - Fanny, Kassandra, David, Javier, Ivana, Michelle G., Karina, Carel, Jennifer M., Gina, Pablo, Jessica Men., Nelson M., Richard P., Nahobi, Katherine

There were 30 4.5's; and 34 4.0's, which is INCREDIBLE!

Be ready for your rewards and recognition - YOU ALL DESERVE IT!