Thursday, September 24, 2009

Periods 1 & 2

After reading "Skins," we got a small snapshot of Native American customs. Not to mention, we learned several life lessons during the course of the story! The narrator, Mitchell, used many of Uncle Tommy's aphorisms to teach us to be comfortable in our own "skin." An aphorism is a brief saying that embodies a general truth, a life lesson or an astute observation. A theme in a story is very similar - it is the moral message, the life lesson that is implied.

With that said, my sweetie-pies, you have an assignment. It is NOT optional, and it is in two parts. You must do both.

Part 1: Find an aphorism or a theme in "Skins." Explain what this taught you and how you will follow that advice from now on. Make sure your response is grammatically correct, please. I will allow you to look through the book during class...unless you can access it now through the Student Portal. I want the quote from the story in your response.

Part 2: Click HERE to generate an Indian name. When you are on the webpage, just click "Get Your Name." Once you get your Indian name, tell me what it is in a comment/post. What do the words mean in English? Does your Indian name symbolize you, does it define you or reflect who you are? Explain this in a short paragraph on our blog.

You can submit both responses in ONE post, or you can can do it in two different ones. This is due on 9/30 by 11:00 p.m.

Have fun with this :o)

My Indian name, by the way, was WALLOWING TURKEY! Hilarious!


Laysu said...

Hey there, I dont know how to get the name it dosnt say where to put your name? Explain please. Toodles :)

Krystal R. said...
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Krystal R. said...

Hey, miss i don't get what we are supposed to do can you explain please??

i love i miss :)

Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! said...


Once you go to the webpage for the Indian name generator, click GET YOUR NAME. lol!


You will need to do both parts then post them in a comment...MUCH like you did when you asked the question above.

I am explaining it in class, so you will be fine.

Smile, girls. Love you!

Laysu said...

This is the first part :)

I believe the theme is "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red." What I have learned from this is that, no matter what color you are, what heritage your from, it's does not matter we are the same, we got red blood. It has thought me that, we should not judge or underestimate anyone. This will help me in the future, because I would look at everyone in life has if am looking at myself. Love your neighbor like you love yourselve.

Laysu said...

This is the second part :)

My name is 'Crazy Egg' of the Snickabarook Tribe. It dosnt describe me because am calm and not crazy..... However, the name symbolize's like a energetic person. Though, am not more down to earth person.

Love's you byes ;)

Unknown said...

Part 1: "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red". The theme that I chose means that everyone is the same skin inside and out. Everyone is human even though they still make mistakes. Like in skins, Jimmy was dissapointed by the way he is, but you should speak out what's coming from your heart. The theme taught even though your different and unique in your own way everyone is still human. I would followed this advice because inside of stigmatizing people and misjudging them, I always remember that they are still like me.

Part 2:'Lobbing Tent Flap' of the Junkasplafinga Tribe. I think this means in English is that its going with the flow. This Indian name reflects me because I go with the flow. I like to explore new things and see what life brings to the world for me.

ashleyG2 said...

I believe that the theme in the short story "Skins" talks about how people are more alike then diffrent and you need to give them the chance to show, who they really are. To not judge a book by its cover until you get to know them. This relates to real life because peers are often to judge others before really knowing who the person is.

HenryM P4 said...

Part 1: I think that the theme in "Skins" is to accept who we are and also to accept the religion or herritage that we are born with. In the story it says "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red".I think this means that everyone is equal no matter what race they are, and even though we look different doesn't mean that we sould be racist and discriminate against eachother.

Part 2: My Indian name is "Itching Stranger' of the Hukapunk Tribe and I think it means that I'm not litterly a stranger but an outsider or "itching" to go to other groups. This symbolizes me because I have many friends but they are all in little groups. So, technically it makes sense.

ashleyG2 said...

part 2
'Breathes Life into Moon' of the Pennapeek Tribe
this symbolizes me because of my outlook on life.The moon has different phases and throughout these phases it affects us in different ways. personally I have gone through many changes and have grown up in diffrent ways.

Monica Hernandez said...

Homework ;

Part 1 - "Who ever you are is real enough." To me this quote means, that being me is all that is needed, their is no need in me pretending to be someone who I am not. If someone does not accept me, I don't care because in the end I am who I am and I will not change for anyone. I decided to choose this quote because it's true being yourself is a million time better than pretending to be someone you're not and eventually your true colors will show. Being yourself is the best thing you can ever do and you will see that people will accept you for you.

Part 2 - My Indian name is "Dances with Bird". In english it means, a person that is able to dance gracefully and beautifully in a group with poise, just like the bird always flaunting its wings gracefully in a group. In a way it does reflect me because I am a dancer and we have to dance in a group will trying to move as one.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

After we finished reading Skins in my class I realized that the theme or main idea of this story is that you have to eccept ones self for who we really are. wheather you are hispanic, african american, native american, chinies ect.

No matter what race, color, or heritage you come from, you have to learn to imprase it and learn to live with it, because it is part of you and it will be with you for the rest of your life.

my native american name is 'Sun shines on Smoke' and it comes from the the Skizzasimpa Tribe. it means a happy perason who is verry happy and exited, it also means a person who is the bests from the worst

Yelsin S. 2nd pr.

Ricardo said...

PART 1- "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyones blood is red" This quote in the book "Skins" is a quote that everyone should follow and understand. It dosent matter whats the color of your skin we are all people, and we should be treated one in the same. From now on I and everyone should treat people equally and not diffrent just beacause there are a diffrent color or race. This is a very poweful quote that everyone should read and appreciate.

PART 2-My name is "Eats Whole Face" of the Chuckasoosee Tribe.It dosent really symbolize me, only that I love to eat.I think it pretty much means a person who loves to eat their face when it comes to food, and who other then me to have this name because food is great!

HugoGomez said...

Part 1- "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyones blood is red" I think this means that you should love yourself for who you are and what your given. And even if you bieleve that other people are better than you dont because you should appreciate what your given and use it as a good thing.

Part 2- My Native American name is 'Griping Hawk' of the Wingasink Tribe. i think this means that i hold on to things and that i value what im given.

SaraiR3 said...

*"Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyones blood is red" I think this is the
theme for skins, because it applies
to the story , and to life.
I personally think this quote is
very true, because no matter
how you look in the exterior,
evryone is practically made up of
the same things in the inside,
no matter the color, race, religion
evryone should be treated with respect, and equality. and nobody
should feel better or less than
any being.

* my indian name is 'yodeling sin'
of the hoopasoosoo tribe.
i think that this name symbolyzes
a person that sins alot, and i guess it relates to me because
i do sin, i mean who doesnt?
and well everyone commits errors
but later recognizes them.

yunio.3 said...

part-1 "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red". what this theme means is that everyone is the same, were are all humans, and that you shouldnt be ashamed of who you really are.i will follow this by feeling good about who i really am, and not being ashamed about my culture or my beliefs.

part2-my indian name is "desperately old talker" from the steppapeek tribe. what I think this means in english is that I am really talkitive.It kind of reflects me cause I talk alot some times.

yunio.3 said...

part-1 "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red". what this theme means is that everyone is the same, were are all humans, and that you shouldnt be ashamed of who you really are.i will follow this by feeling good about who i really am, and not being ashamed about my culture or my beliefs.

part2-my indian name is "desperately old talker" from the steppapeek tribe. what I think this means in english is that I am really talkitive.It kind of reflects me cause I talk alot some times.

VanessaD. P#2 said...

Part 1- "Young people should be proud of their history, proud of their race." I believe that everyone is unique and have our own qualities as humans. So we shouldn't be ashamed of our culture or race because it wont define who we really are. This is why from now on i would never deny my culture because i would always be proud of it.

Part 2- The name i got was 'Finds peace with Hand' of the Skizzabego Tribe. I think this symbolizes me alot because i am always smiling and i don't like it when people are having arguments. However, i always try to bring peace some way.

Vanessa De La Cruz
Period 4

MelissaPP4 said...

part 1- " whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red" this applies to me because we have many qualities that we dont like, until someone says "wow" thats a beautiful thing about yourself. the world is made up of many many different types of races and cultures, we may look different but we are all the same, we are all brothers and sisters, we are all under the same skin.

part 2- my indian name is "giggling whiskey" of the Hoopabamboo tribe. this applies to me because i am always similing and i can definnely put a simle on your face and eliminate most of your tension. Now with Whiskey, thats a whole different level of happiness:)

paulaF1 said...

Homework; For period 3.

Part 1:
The theme that really hit me from the reading "skins" was "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skin, everyone’s blood is red". Although I found the story more than interesting, and that there was more than one theme to it; this particular quote got to me the most. It taught me that I should be happy for not only who I am, but what I have in life. In addition, it just reminded me once again how equal we all are. And how judging a book by its cover is not right. Most importantly, it taught me to always stay true to myself.

Part 2:
My Indian name is; 'Slaps Cloud' of the Minnehola Tribe. To me this represents a person that tries to reach higher and higher for what they want. I believe it does reflect me in a way because I always try and push myself a little farther than the usual.

Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! said...

YOU GUYS CRACK ME UP! Your responses were so sweet. I laughed, I got teary-eyed, and I could see your genuineness!!!!! I love you all so much, and you bless my life!!!!

Krystal R. said...

Part 1: I think the theme is "whoever you are is real enough". This tells me that I should be happy for who I am and that I shouldn't try to be something i'm not. And another theme that caught my attention was "underneath our skin, everyone's blood is red. this tells me that everyone is the same or equal.

Part 2: My indian name is Giggling Nostril from the Wangobippa Tribe. I think this describes me because I'm always smiling and laughing for apparent no reason. Even if the joke isn't funny you will always see me with a smile on my face.

Thx Miss for your help. your the best!!!!!

geisatiti19 said...

Part 1-The theme that I believe in from, "Skins," is "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red." This means that who we are is good enough and that we should all be happy for that. Also, that no matter what color your skin is we are all the same. We should not treat others different by their color of skin or how they look but what is in their hearts.

Part 2-My indian name is, 'Tickles Wolf,' of the Wippamaha Tribe.I think it means like am a smiling person and like a wolf crazy. I think it does represent me because am crazy just not too much sometimes and you can see me smiling almost always.

andrea's blog said...

PART 1: Whoever you are is real enough. underneath our skin, everyones blood is red....This quote from "skins" means to me that no matter who you are you will always be someone real not to matter wheather you're a good person or not you will never be someone fake cause at some point of your life you realize who you really are.

PART 2: My indian name is Sunshines on grandfather of the Wammwa Tribe this means to me that you will always shine and be there for your grandfather no matter what it takes!

kayla sanmartin said...

PART 1: A most touching quote from the short story "Skins" includes one with a powerful meaning. I broke down the quote "Whoever you are is real enough". I beleive that this quote is important and contributes to the fact that all of us are equal and should accept ourselves and others for who they truly are. If you beleive that you are real enough, than nothing else matters. If who you are is good enough for you, than you will be able to accept everyone for who they are and they will accept you as well. Being true to yourself and knowing who you are and what you want to do is the most important thing because you are your own person and you are not meant to please everyone else around you. You will have to deal with yourself for the rest of your life, and nobody should ever tell you anything that will change your mind. Once you've figured out YOU, you can work miracles in your life. It also comes down to accepting yourself. If you believe that you are good enough, than you can accomplish great things. You should be able to think that who you are is real enough just because you are the only person who truly knows yourself. You know your weaknesses and strengths and should never let anybody have the power to control your life. If who you are is real enough to your soul, than you are real enough for the world to see you and ACCEPT you.

PART 2: I am 'Licking Mud' of the Snickanooky Tribe. HAHAHA! Umm I think this means that I lick mud. That must taste really bad :o

JenniferRp.3 said...

It says were to get your name like the icon but when i push it and wait then push it again i tried like 100 times and it doesnt take me anywhere to get my indian name...

nataliam3 said...


The theme” whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone’s blood is red.” what this theme has taught me is that you should never pretend to be someone that you are not whether it is that you don’t like yourself or whether it is that someone doesn’t like you because who you are should be enough and that no one has the right to change you because just by being yourself and not pretend to be no one else and accept yourself should be enough. Furthermore you should be equal and fair to everyone around you in addition you ought to absolutely never discriminate someone just by their race, culture, appearance or ever religion for the reason that is an unreasonable and awful thing that you are doing to that individual since you wouldn’t like to be treated that badly by someone else just because of the way that you appear would you! however subsequently why is it a quantity of people still perform this to one another the one thing that ought to be remembered is that we are all flesh and bones beneath our skin along with that all of are blood are red and no one has the authority to do whatever they want also you should accept everyone for who they are even if you every so often it is hard for you to accept it, at least you should look inside your heart and recognize them for themselves because in the end you might learn a valuable lesson as well as even become friends with that someone.


My Indian name is “baffles pancake”. First of all the word baffles in English means bewildered/confused and for pancake well that’s a food that you eat for breakfast. the name “baffles pancake” does sort of does reflect who I am well the baffles part does because I am not so sure about the second part, the way that it reflects who I am is that I am kind of sometimes confused over things and ever though people sometimes try to tell me a joke or tell me something important I sort of am always confused about it and I don’t always get them and when I do I sometimes take long to get :)

AdisneyP. #1 said...

Hey mrs!

I love this story. It was a real story, and it had a meaning. I like my storys/books to have a meaning in them. Anyways. The aphorism that i love the most was "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skin, everyone's blood is red." I loved it because it happen to me. They (back in the time lol) dint want to talk to me or just ignored or treat me bad just because i had just come from Puerto Rico. Since that time I have decided to be nice to the new kids (even before I came, I was still nice to everyone, new or not), to make them feel like they dont need to feel like an outcast. That i we are all the same. That to me, at least, everyone is the same...

And my Indian name is "'Makes honest woman of Stone' of the Kentawadonga Tribe. I think this funny name does define me..In a wierd way.. Because i am honest and i hate to lie. I bearely lie and i dont lie anymore.Thanck god So it does reflect me and symbolizes me. . So the name dosent mean anything in English.


Cesy Giggles said...

The theme” whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone’s blood is red.” what this theme has taught me is that you should never act like someone else that you are not whether it is that you don’t like yourself or whether it is that someone who dislikes you.

My Indian name is laughing stone. I think this name is amusing it does define me...I’m always laughing around my friends and family. The stone part does not define me I’m really a kind person inside and out. Laughing Stone does not mean anything in English.

YenyP#4 and 1 said...

Part 1: "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red". I think that the author is trying to say that we are all the same in the inside. Even though we look in the outside we are made of the same thing and in the end we are all big family.

Part 2: My India name is 'Cooks Talker' of the Pikkaheema Tribe , I think that my name means that I’m a person that love to talk about cooking. Which is not true because I have no idea how to cook, I’m really bad in the kitchen. But oh well you never know maybe in the future I’m a great chef.

Unknown said...

Part 1:
The theme''whoever you are is real enough.Underneath our skins,everyone's blood is red.''I think this is a very powerful saying and if you dont know the definition,I'll help you out.It has so many meanings and so many ways you can explain it but I'll go with that we are all the same.We are all humans born in this world,we all have our different things but there is no need to feel bad or say something bad about somebody else.We should respect ourselves and most importantly the people around us.We all have our things and nobody is perfect.Nobody is born being perfect,we all make mistakes and what makes us smart and wise is to learn from the mistakes and deal with it,to take it in and be sure it does not happen again.Everyday is a new day,so do and say what you want because you matter as much as I matter.

Part 2:
My Indian name was Kissing Hawk of the Nuggabangbang Tribe.
I think it means a person who is lovable,a person who cares and likes kisses,even if the kisses could be on the lips,cheeks or a simple kiss on the forehead.It's very cute and nice of a person.
It shows how much a person cares.

DanteG5 said...

Part 1: "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red”. This theme from Skins appealed to me because it’s trying to say no matter who or what we are as long as you don’t let other people criticism bother you can always be what you truly are which is human.

Part 2: My coolio tribe name is 'Stumbling Rainwater' of the Wammbippa Tribe. Stumbling is another word for silly, and I think my tribe name symbolizes a silly flow that comes and goes. My name suits me because I can be very silly at times and then other times I can be very serious or serious.

btw love ur tribe name lol :)

Helen29 said...

Part 2: My Indian name is ''Bullied by Cloud'' by the Wamheehee Tribe. I believe it means when you let someone makes fun of you in an intentional way or let a person treat you bad. This doesn't really relate to me because I am a person that stand out for myself and not let anyone take advantage of me, I like to share my ideas. And i think that my Tribe name is the complete opposite of me.

YulietG1 said...

Part 1:
"Mitchell," Uncle Tommy said to me, "white men tought us to be Indians. Before that, we were just people."
By this he means that before people were just people, but once everyone started discriminating thats how everyone considered eachother different because of their skin color.

Part 2:
'Lays with Grunt' of the Tacoheehee Tribe.
Lays means to set down and rest.
Grunt means to utter the deep, guttural sound characteristic of a hog.
I don't think this relates to me, at all, because I am not a lay back person or grunt for any reason.

Helen29 said...

Part 1: I believe that the aphorism that was the most meaningful in the story Skins was ''Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skin, everyone's blood is red." Because it doesn't matter how we look, act or circumspect things, we are and will always be the same. There is too much discrimination in this world, and if we contribute to forget about our differences and put together our similarities and beliefs i think it would change many things. We all learned a valuable lesson in this short story, and that was to treat everyone equally because no matter how tough we want to be sometimes we all have feelings. And we might forgive but not forget.

Helen R

jackie fish said...

why hello thar! (:

1st part:
When Mitchell's uncle mentions "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red", is what moved me the most int he story.That quote shows that everyone might look different and act different and may even have the most horrible personality.But,in the end we are all the same on the why should we discriminate against anyone?This also bring in the term "Don't judge a book by it's cover."Because in the story it shows that everyone might want to be someone else but at the end of the day they will always be the person they were before.And at the end of their life, they will always be alike, like everyone else.

2nd Part:
'Flies with Voice' of the Tacochooga Tribe

You are of the earth. You walk with the bear and swim with the fish. You must have an Indian name.

Lauging out loud miss!Sort of like me but not really.I do usually carry the voice of reason in my group of friends.And they all used to get into discussions and put me as the "most likely to succeed" last year.But me having an Indian name?I don't think Jacqueline is an Indian name.( comes from Jacques,and it was originated in France by a queen.haha.I'm so cool!

love you miss!!!(:

Anonymous said...

The theme is "Whoever you are is real enough. Underneath our skins, everyone's blood is red". I say this because it has a complete sense to it. Does not matter where your from or what color of skin you are, people shouldn't judge you from their first look. We are still people with emotions. So what if our skins are different? it is not like anyone is better. If your the way you are you should be proud. there is a reason why god made you the way you are. People shouldn't be mad about the negatively people say to them unless they have walked in your shoes then they don't matter.

2- My indian name "crazy campfire" of the sunnawadonga tribe.

You are the earth. you walk with the bear & swim with the fish. You must have an indian name.

I don't know if that is what my name meant.

Ashley Colon

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Part 1: " Whoever you are is real enough".
This reminded me since I was already informed that, there's only one of you , not a copy. which is true enough and that you should be satisfied with that. and imitating something you're not isn't even worth it because it's never going to be as exact as the other thing being compared to. Furthermore , i've actually followed this advice because I don't need to copy anyone , being myself is more than enough. : )

Part 2: I got:'Slapping Melon' of the Hollanooky Tribe. For slapping , i'm not that type of person that would do that unless we're joking in a good natured way , or , unless you hit me first. so for slapping or melon , neither reflects who I am as a person.