Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Vocab Review for Periods 3 & 4

LUC, LUM - light; to shine or glitter
SPECT - see, view or look
PATH/PATHY - feelings, emotions, disease

Apathy - having no feeling (remember, the prefix "A" means NOT, WITHOUT)
Antipathy - having a strong feeling against (remember, "ANTI" means AGAINST)
Empathy - understanding of another's feelings
Pathos - arousing pity; the expression of feeling pity
Elucidate - to shed light on
Lucent - giving off light
Lucubration - hard or difficult study (from the old days of "done by the lamp light")
Luminary - one who sheds light on a subject
Translucent - partly transparent; allowing light to get through
Circumspect - to see things from all angles; watchful and discreet (remember, "CIRCUM" means AROUND)
Introspective - the ability to look within oneself (remember, "INTRO" means WITHIN)
Retrospect - the contemplation of things in the past (remember, "RETRO" means BACK)

YOU WILL DO GREAT! Just study! Love you....


Cesy Giggles said...

after seeing their quite out of the ordinary performances, I believe that the Rock Bottom Remainders are a very exceptional band that perform to raise money for charities. They continue to perform purely because they are doing it for a good cause and they have lots of fun. I think that the reason they wear costumes to have enjoyable time while performing. Another author in the band is Stephen King, and one of his literary pieces is called "The Waste Lands."

Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! said...


You commented under the wrong post, but you still get credit for your response. GREAT JOB!!!!