Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Periods 5 & 6 - Due THIS FRIDAY!

For your homework tonight, you will create a 4-3-2-1 chart for Their Eyes Were Watching God. Create a chart that compares and contrasts the movie with the novel. You will need to address the following: 4 aspects of the movie that were not in the novel; 3 aspects in the book that should've been included in the movie ; 2 aspects of the movie you enjoyed; and 1 aspect of the movie you did not enjoy

Be sure to explain your answers. This is due on Friday, 12/18 when you walk in the door. This is likely to be the last of the grades you will get for this quarter. SMILE!


Jonathan Muñoz said...

How is the chart suppose to look like?

Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! said...

Whichever way you want; it's up to you.