Monday, January 4, 2010


For your homework assignment tonight, read the final draft of "The Declaration of Independence" on page 215 of 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. If you do not have the book, click HERE to read it.

After you read this document, answer the following question: How it support or challenge the ideas presented in EACH of the winter break readings, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and the cartoon (see a couple posts below for the list)? Use quotes from EACH of your sources to bolster your arguments.

Whether you were absent or not on Monday, January 4th, you will be responsible for this work , which is due next class. Due date - January 6 (period 5); January 7 (period 6). Love you!


Anonymous said...

hey Crod, I am not in class today because last night in the game I got hurt. When I woke up this morning I could walk. I will probably be in school tomorrow so I will come and give in my work and get the work for the next day. Thank you have a great day.
Amanda Frye

Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! said...

Feel better, mama! Hang in there. I missed ya! See you tomorrow.