Taken from www.about.com, here are 33 facts about the Holocaust. From each of the five sections, list one fact that you were not aware of, or one fact that shocked you. Be sure to explain why. Grammar will count! You must post by Thursday (2/4/10) at 11 p.m.
What Does Holocaust Mean?
- The Holocaust began in 1933 when Hitler came to power in Germany and ended in 1945 when the Nazis were defeated by the Allied powers.
- The term "Holocaust," originally from the Greek word "holokauston" which means "sacrifice by fire," refers to the Nazi's persecution and planned slaughter of the Jewish people. The Hebrew word "Shoah," which means "devastation, ruin, or waste," is also used for this genocide.
- In addition to Jews, the Nazis targeted Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the disabled for persecution. Anyone who resisted the Nazis was sent to forced labor or murdered.
- The term "Nazi" is an acronym for "Nationalsozialistishe Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" ("National Socialist German Worker's Party").
- The Nazis used the term "the Final Solution" to refer to their plan to murder the Jewish people.
- It is estimated that 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust. Six million of these were Jews.
- The Nazis killed approximately two-thirds of all Jews living in Europe.
- An estimated 1.1 million children were murdered in the Holocaust.
- On April 1, 1933, the Nazis instigated their first action against German Jews by announcing a boycott of all Jewish-run businesses.
- The Nuremberg Laws, issued on September 15, 1935, began to exclude Jews from public life. The Nuremberg Laws included a law that stripped German Jews of their citizenship and a law that prohibited marriages and extramarital sex between Jews and Germans. The Nuremberg Laws set the legal precedent for further anti-Jewish legislation.
- Nazis then issued additional anti-Jews laws over the next several years. For example, some of these laws excluded Jews from places like parks, fired them from civil service jobs (i.e. government jobs), made Jews register their property, and prevented Jewish doctors from working on anyone other than Jewish patients.
- During the night of November 9-10, 1938, Nazis incited a pogrom against Jews in Austria and Germany in what has been termed, "Kristallnacht" ("Night of Broken Glass"). This night of violence included the pillaging and burning of synagogues, breaking the windows of Jewish-owned businesses, the looting of these stores, and many Jews were physically attacked. Also, approximately 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
- After World War II started in 1939, the Nazis began ordering Jews to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing so that Jews could be easily recognized and targeted.
- After the beginning of World War II, Nazis began ordering all Jews to live within certain, very specific, areas of big cities, called ghettos.
- Jews were forced out of their homes and moved into smaller apartments, often shared with other families.
- Some ghettos started out as "open," which meant that Jews could leave the area during the daytime but often had to be back within the ghetto by a curfew. Later, all ghettos became "closed," which meant that Jews were trapped within the confines of the ghetto and not allowed to leave.
- A few of the major ghettos were located in the cities of Bialystok, Kovno, Lodz, Minsk, Riga, Vilna, and Warsaw.
- The largest ghetto was in Warsaw, with its highest population reaching 445,000 in March 1941.
- In most ghettos, Nazis ordered the Jews to establish a Judenrat (a Jewish council) to both administer Nazi demands and to regulate the internal life of the ghetto.
- Nazis would then order deportations from the ghettos. In some of the large ghettos, 1,000 people per day were loaded up in trains and sent to either a concentration camp or a death camp.
- To get them to cooperate, the Nazis told the Jews they were being transported to another place for labor,
- When the Nazis decided to kill the remaining Jews in a ghetto, they would "liquidate" a ghetto by boarding the last Jews in the ghetto on trains.
- When the Nazis attempted to liquidate the Warsaw Ghetto on April 13, 1943, the remaining Jews fought back in what has become known as the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The Jewish resistance fighters held out against the entire Nazi regime for 28 days -- longer than many European countries had been able to withstand Nazi conquest.
- Although many people refer to all Nazi camps as "concentration camps," there were actually a number of different kinds of camps, including concentration camps, extermination camps, labor camps, prisoner-of-war camps, and transit camps. (Map)
- One of the first concentration camps was Dachau, which opened on March 20, 1933.
- From 1933 until 1938, most of the prisoners in the concentration camps were political prisoners (i.e. people who spoke or acted in some way against Hitler or the Nazis) and people the Nazis labeled as "asocial."
- After Kristallnacht in 1938, the persecution of Jews became more organized. This led to the exponential increase in the number of Jews sent to concentration camps.
- Life within Nazi concentration camps was horrible. Prisoners were forced to do hard physical labor and yet given tiny rations. Prisoners slept three or more people per crowded wooden bunk (no mattress or pillow). Torture within the concentration camps was common and deaths were frequent.
- At a number of Nazi concentration camps, Nazi doctors conducted medical experiments on prisoners against their will.
- While concentration camps were meant to work and starve prisoners to death, extermination camps (also known as death camps) were built for the sole purpose of killing large groups of people quickly and efficiently.
- The Nazis built six extermination camps: Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz, and Majdanek. (Auschwitz and Majdanek were both concentration and extermination camps.)
- Prisoners transported to these extermination camps were told to undress to take a shower. Rather than a shower, the prisoners were herded into gas chambers and killed. (At Chelmno, the prisoners were herded into gas vans instead of gas chambers.)
- Auschwitz was the largest concentration and extermination camp built. It is estimated that 1.1 million people were killed at Auschwitz.
from the section "What Does Holocaust Mean?" one fact that shocked me was that nazis were sent to force labor or murder people.
from the selection "The Big Numbers" one shocking fact is that there was a estimate of 11 million people that died during this tragic momment.
from the selection."Persecution Begins" one shocking fact is that after the war the jew were forced to wear the star of david on them at all times
from the selection "ghettos" one shocking fact is that 1000 jews per day were loaded into a train and sent into a concentration camp or a death camp
from the last selection"Concentration and Extermination Camps" one fact that shocked me was that in auschwitz there was about 1.1 million peolple killed there that is really tragic
and those were the facts that i found it was really shocking to me
Anthony Valecillos
In the selection what does holocaust mean? The one fact that shocks me was the Nazis used the term "the Final Solution" to refer to their plan to murder the Jewish people. It shocks me because how they just use a title to say they’re going to kill a Jewish person.
In the selection the big number. The one fact that shocks me was it is estimated that 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust. Six million of these were Jews. This shocks me because it a lot of people they kissed 11 million people could be consider a city. It is very shocking to see that 11 million people were killed.
In the selection persecution begins. The one fact I did not know was After World War II started in 1939, the Nazis began ordering Jews to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing so that Jews could be easily recognized and targeted. I find this a horrible tragic because you have to be ordered around and be told what to wear so they could know if they could bully you.
In the selection ghettos. The fact that shocks me the most was after the beginning of World War II, Nazis began ordering all Jews to live within certain, very specific, areas of big cities, called ghettos. I find this shocking because they could only live their lives the way there told to. They were told what to do instead of living there lives the way the6y wanted to.
In the selection concentration and extermination camps. The fact I found most shocking was Prisoners transported to these extermination camps were told to undress to take a shower. Rather than a shower, the prisoners were herded into gas chambers and killed. (At Chelmno, the prisoners were herded into gas vans instead of gas chambers.) I found this shocking because that is terrible to trick someone and making them think that they’re going to feel clean but instead there about to poison their lungs with gas and kill them.
From the section "What does Holocaust Mean?" one fact that shocked me was that the term holocaust originally came from the Greek word "holokauston" which means "sacrafice by fire".It shocked me because they actually stayed true to the meaning of the word because they annahilated the jews.
From the section "The Big Numbers" one fact that shocked me was that 11 million jews died in the holocaust, and that shocks me bacause that amount is ridiculously high.
From the section "Persecution Begins" one fact that shocked me was that the nazis made the jews wear the star of david because it makes it easier to identify them, just so the nazis can kill them easier. And just hearing that makes me sad.
From the section "Ghettos" one fact that shocked me was that the nazis ordered the jews to live all in one defined place called ghettos. It sucks to live in a nasty place all bunched up together and having nazis watching over you.
From the section "Concentration and Extermination Camps" one fact that shocked me was that the prisoners at one point thought they were going to take a shower and finally be clean but in reality those showers were gas chambers. I find it degrading to think that nazis actually find it amusing to watch people being killed and tortured.It's ridiculous.
In the section what does Holocaust mean? What really shocked me the most and caught my eye was when it says that the holocaust started in 1933 and ended in 1945. This really stunned me because the holocaust was going on for 12 years. This means for 12 years they were killing innocent people and no one did anything about it. Until the Allied power took over Hitler and where able to defeat the Nazis. Hitler was an extremely powerful man and for 12 years had control over the Jewish people and they couldn’t do anything about it.
In the section the big number, what really shocked me was that they killed approximately 1.1 million children. The tiny babies that are the most innocent creatures on earth were getting killed by bunch. I can’t imagine killing an innocent child that has no clue what’s going on. How could they live knowing they killed an innocent kid let alone 1.1 million? Didn’t they think about their own family and if that was their child getting killed? Of course they didn’t because Jewish people were like dogs in the streets.
In the section Persecution Begins, what really blew me away was when the
Nazis issued additional anti-Jews laws over the next several years. They were treating these humans like they were a piece of garbage and weren’t worth living.
They were excluded from parks fired from jobs and much more and all of this just because they were Jewish. They were humans also and didn’t deserve to be treated in this matter.
In the section Ghettos, what really shocked me was that Jews were forced out of their homes and moved into smaller apartments, often shared with other families. Even though they were able to afford a big place to be comfortable with their families and not be crowded in a tiny place they still had to move to smaller place for the fact that they were Jewish. Not only did they have to move to a smaller place but they had to share their homes with other families that they didn’t even know.
In the section Concentration and Extermination Camps, what stood out to me the most was that Auschwitz was the largest concentration and extermination camp built. It is estimated that 1.1 million people were killed at Auschwitz. How can so many people be killed in one concentration camp? Plus all the people that were tortured in Auschwitz who know how many people were really affected by this concentration camp alone. Who really knows how many people were killed we just have estimations not the real numbers.
kassandra period 3
The Holocaust is a very sad thing to talk about or read about its unbelievable how much happened and how many lives were lost back then.
I thought that this facts were really cool to read and some of them I knew and still knowing them it was scary to think about it.In the other hand there were a few that shocked me completely.
Following Categories:
.What Does Holocaust Mean?
-The Nazis used the term "the Final Solution" to refer to their plan to murder the Jewish people.This shocked me because its so sad to think that taking a persons life its the final solution they were just so crazy and they had no hearts to realize how many lives they were taking away forever.
.The Big Numbers
-It is estimated that 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust.Six million of these were Jews.It was shocking to me because not only did they killed Jews they also killed many other types of religion,they also killed homosexuals and disabled people and so on.
.Persecution Begins
-After World War II started in 1939,the Nazis began ordering Jews to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing so that Jews could be easily recognized and targeted.I just thought this was such a pain to go through because the more they were trying to hide or not get involve,the more they were trying to protect their family they had it to wear a yellow star of David on their clothing so they could be identified as Jews.It was a very hard time,it was not easy.
-To get them to cooperate,the Nazis told the Jews they were being transported to another place for labor.It breaks my heart to know that Nazis on top of killing people they would also lie and its an emotional feeling that you get inside of you that the Jews were thinking,oh I am not going to die,I am just being transported to work but really it was just a faster way to get them on the train and moving to where their death awaited.
.Concentration & Extermination Camps
-At a number of Nazi concentration camps, Nazi doctors conducted medical experiments on prisoners against their will.It was a nightmare to think that the Doctor would just picked you and perform a medical experiment just for testing it out or for doing it,before asking you,but really the part that was scary was the one that if the experiment went bad then you died or if you were still alive you were probably left with having a problem or something that was the scary part.For us Doctors are our friends that check up on us to see how were doing but to them it was just a nightmare to see the Doctor.
I really do thank god for what I have and I try not to complain about silly things because there is nothing I cant do with how I am living my life right now,I have everything I need and anything is possible,so when I think that something its too hard or I am just lazy, I look back and think about the Holocaust and many more things that went on and I think why am I such a baby,I've never been through such pain.So this really puts me to think and I've learned from it.
1. From the section What Does Holocaust Mean? one fact that shocked me was that the Nazis used the term "the Final Solution" to refer to their plan to murder the Jewish people, this fact because it was so crucial how they made a plan to murder innocent people.
2. In the section The Big Numbers what caught my attention and really impacted me was the fact that there was an estimated 1.1 million children were murdered in the Holocaust. This really touched my heart and it is so devasting to know that those cold hearted Nazis did such a thing to the children.
3. In Persecution Begins, During the night of November 9-10, 1938, Nazis incited a pogrom against Jews in Austria and Germany in what has been termed, "Kristallnacht" ("Night of Broken Glass"). This night of violence included the pillaging and burning of synagogues, breaking the windows of Jewish-owned businesses, the looting of these stores, and many Jews were physically attacked. Also, approximately 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps was the fact that shocked me because the Nazis did so much violent acts and tortured so many humans everything they did was so terrible and horrifing.
4. In the section Ghettos a fact that shocked me was that after the beginning of World War II, Nazis began ordering all Jews to live within certain, very specific, areas of big cities, called ghettos. I find this very shocking because having to follow orders from these murderes had to be atrocious.
5. This fact Prisoners transported to these extermination camps were told to undress to take a shower. Rather than a shower, the prisoners were herded into gas chambers and killed. (At Chelmno, the prisoners were herded into gas vans instead of gas chambers.) from Concentration and Extermination Camps shocked me because it was dreadful to know how they tricked the innocent jews into taking a shower but killing them.
- Sarah Victorero (:
Period 3.
"What Does Holocaust Mean?"
What shocked me the most about this was that Hitler was in power for a very long time. The meaning of the word Holocaust is an idea of what all the Jewish people went trough. They were burned to death and tortured in many ways.
“The Big Numbers”
It’s really shocking how so many people died! It’s even impossible to think that a huge amount of people were killed. What really tears my heart is the children that were killed.
“Persecution Begins”
To me, it was a horrible crime what they did to the Jews. The killed them for many reasons, but I find it pathetic to take such cruelty into hands and end their lives that way. They had laws against Jews and laws that I find very dramatic and pointless, but who am I to correct them. I wish I would have been there back then. I would have tried to stop everything. The worst part were the concentration camps, that’s just torture and very disturbing to think about, how all those people died in those camps.
They were told were to love when now a days you can chose wherever you want to live if you have the money to afford it. It shocks me how they were forced out of their houses and put to live wherever the Nazis wanted them to. They had curfews within their own little area. Sometimes from those ghettos they were sent to death camps and just killed.
“Concentration and Extermination Camps”
Why did they have so many different camps when they shouldn’t have any at all. The camps were made to kill people, put them through suffer, or to make them work very hard. They were forced to work hard for the Nazis and do as they said at all times. They were starved to death and slept in very painful and uncomfortable beds. It was just torture for them. Most of them died because they would be killed after they would work hard. What they were put through wasn’t very pleasant and immensely sad.
Laysu Borges
Period 3
1. From the section What Does Holocaust Mean? The Holocaust was when Hitler overpowered Germany. One of the things that where said that actually caught my eye was the actual meaning of the word Holocaust. Which it originated from Greek which means “sacrifice by fire”.
2. In the section The Big Numbers what caught my attention and really impacted me was the fact that the Nazis killed not the Jew living all over Europe. This caught by surprise because I didn’t know that it was all around Europe I just thought it was the some parts of it.
3. In the section Persecution begins, what shocked me the most was the on November 9-10-1938. This was when the Nazis made a riot against Jews which the term they used was “Kristallnacht”. This was a night that the Nazis began to burn all the temples, and there stores. This was a monstrousness that they did, and around 30,000 Jews where arrested and sent to camp for no reason, just cause they where Jews.
4. In the text assigned Ghetto, they discuss that the reason they named that word was because a crowded and they have to be out at a certain time of the time, and they weren’t able to be all night in the streets. It causes this great pain in my heart to hear that not only slathering individuals that had family and children’s for no specific reason.
5. In the Concentration & Extermination Camps they discuss how the Doctors had to conduct check up on the Jews even though they didn’t want to they were forced to.
Another fact that really didn’t leave me alone, was the fact that they told the prisoners that they where going to take a shower and they really weren’t, they turned on the gas and let them burn till they were dust.
What Does Holocaust Mean?
- In this section, what was shocking for me to hear was that the nazis used the term "the final solution" to refer to their plan to murder the Jewish people. Not only was it shocking to hear but it also made me dejected because it just shows to prove how the nazis were crucial & had no heart but the abomination they had for Jewish people enough for them to just kill them.
The Big Numbers
- To know the fact that 1.1 million children or more maybe were murdered during the holocaust. It's a barbarity thing how they killed those children. I believe the question here is "what did the children ever do to you besides being jewish?" The nazis not only did they end million of people life but it made such an impact to the rest of the people & still I can't believe they never did feel guilty.
Persecution Begins
- It was shocking to me that after World War II the nazis began ordering Jews to wear a yellow star of david on their clothing so they are recognized. To me, it's shocking because it must be a pain for them to be forced to wear the star for the pleasure of the nazis killing them faster.
-To get them to cooperate, the nazis told the Jews they were being transported to another place for labor. I thought that this was most shocking because the nazis are lying to them saying that they are not going to die & just work even more & the Jews believe them now knowing that the nazis are taking them to the camps.
Concentration & Extermination Camps
- One devastating fact that made me feel desolated was that once they got to the camps they were told to take "showers" instead they were put into gas chambers & died there. Just when the Jewish people are feeling joy because the dirt on them would now be going down the drain of the shower, they die because of the nazis tricking the Jews.
While the Jewish suffered, the nazis were having the time of their lives watching innocent Jews who did nothing to them die.
Ashley Colon
1. What does the Holocaust mean? : In this section, The Holocaust was when Hitler overpowered Germany. One of the things that caught my eye was the Nazis used the term "the Final Solution" to refer to their plan to murder the Jewish people. It all relates to what the word means because the Nazi’s were out to kill the Jews.
2. The Big Numbers? : In this section, I couldn’t believe so may kids were killed! On my opinion, its ridiculous.
3. Persecution Begins: what caught my eye in this section was • After World War II started in 1939, the Nazis began ordering Jews to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing so that Jews could be easily recognized and targeted. It shocked me because it can apply to many highschool students. Many students are easily targeted whether they are a jock, geek or nerd. It’s not right.
4. Ghettos: In this section, Jews were forced out of their homes and moved into smaller apartments, often shared with other families. I don’t think it’s right for other to get kicked out of their houses.
5. Concentration and Extermination Camps: In this section, • Auschwitz was the largest concentration and extermination camp built. It is estimated that 1.1 million people were killed at Auschwitz. I couldn’t believe so many people were killed in one place.
estefania martinez btw :)
- What does Holocaust mean?
The fact that shocked me the most in this section was that killing jews wasn't enough for them, they also went for the disabled people too, knowing it wasn't their fault the situation they were in.
- The big Numbers
An estimated 1.1 children died because of the holocaust. I had known that 6 million jews died, but wasn't really sure about the estimate of deaths of the children.
- Persecution Begins
Something I found very interesting that I had no idea about was the pogrom against Jews in Austria and Germany. It's really not fair how they broke into and got rid of the businesses the Jews owned.
- Ghettos
The Jews were forced out of their homes and moved into apartments they had to share unecessarily. Also how the Nazis lied to the Jewish to get them to the concentration camps and kill them.
- Concentration and Extermination Camps.
It was horrible the fact that they made them do such hard work and yet give them little food to survive or at least a small bed to sleep in. They wanted to torture them in every possible way.
Helen Ramon
1. What Does Holocaust Mean?
The most interesting fact in this section would have to be, That Nazis used the term "the Final Solution" to refer to their plan to murder the Jewish people.
2. The Big Numbers
The most devastating fact in this section was that, an estimated 1.1 million children were murdered in the Holocaust.
3. Persecution Begins
The most shocking fact in this section has to be that, Nazis then issued additional anti-Jews laws over the next several years. For example, some of these laws excluded Jews from places like parks, fired them from civil service jobs (i.e. government jobs), made Jews register their property, and prevented Jewish doctors from working on anyone other than Jewish patients.
4. Ghettos
I was not aware that, The largest ghetto was in Warsaw, with its highest population reaching 445,000 in March 1941.
5. Concentration and Extermination Camps
When I read this fact i had goose bumps, Life within Nazi concentration camps was horrible. Prisoners were forced to do hard physical labor and yet given tiny rations. Prisoners slept three or more people per crowded wooden bunk (no mattress or pillow). Torture within the concentration camps was common and deaths were frequent.
"What does the Holocaust mean"?
Im impact by the way the Holocaust took place .I wasent aware of what the word "Shoa" meant after a while of reading it over and over again I foundout what the word meant and now I use it when I have to.
"The Big Numbers"
One fact about this that shocked me was the that so many people got killed its incredible to fing this out and believe if you were around by that time you could of been one of those people that got killed.
"Persecution Begins"
Im shocked in the way that there was so much way between Jewish people and German people the way they act and the way they are.
The Jewish people got kicked out of there homes which I think is not fair a home is a home and we have to respect.The nazi lied to the jewish and killed them in concentration camps.
"Concentracion and Extermination Camps"
A fact I didnt like was that they lied all the time in concentracion camp they didnt take showers when they had too they didnt do things when they were soupposed to
From What does holocaust mean? what shocked me the most was that the Nazis used the term "The final solution" to refer to their plan to murder jewish people. I cant believe how those guys were so cruel to those innocent people.
In the section The big numbers what shcoked me the most was that there was an estimation opf 1.1 million children murdered in the Holocaust. Those guys had no feelings toward anyone.
What shocked me in the section Prosecution beggins was that after worls war two they made jews wear the star of david to label them like if they were animals or something.
What shocked me from the section Ghettos was that jews were forced to move from their homes into smaller apartments I think thats so unfair.
Concentration and Extermination Camps- What shocked me was that in Auschwitz about 1.1 million people were killed.
What does Holocaust Mean?
- the fact which I was unaware of as I read the info that was provided, was that the term "Holocaust," had can from the Greek word "holokauston" which means "sacrifice by fire," in which it refers to the Nazi's persecution and planned slaughter of the Jewish people. I was amazed that the Nazis had actually had such hatred towards the Jews that they would actually had their every step of the plan planned and their ways of killing, right to the point of they would even had their word "holocaust" which just by hearing it you would know what it meant.
The Big Numbers
- In this section I was shocked that 11 million people had been killed during the holocaust and that such a hefty amount of 6 million that were killed were the Jews, as it can be seen by the numbers the Nazis truly loathed the Jews.
Persecution Begins
- I was so bewildered at how the Nazis would apply such dense laws towards Jews such as that The Nuremberg Laws, issued on September 15, 1935, and began to exclude Jews from public life. The Nuremberg Laws included a law that stripped German Jews of their citizenship and a law that prohibited marriages and extramarital sex between Jews and Germans. The Nuremberg Laws set the legal precedent for further anti-Jewish legislation. In my opinion this is just a cruel thing that they can do, as these people have the right to marry who they choose and how there this law be made out nowhere and prohibit the jews from marrying their soul mates, who they adore just simply cause simply cause of hatred towards the Jews, what have they done to them. well nothing so why?
As I was reading further I thought to myself okay then, it cant get worse right?. well I was wrong ,as I read I found out this which was that the Nazis then made ghettos for them to live in . I then though how can these people well of course there not people, make the lives of theses innocent people a living hell in my opinion you might as well put all Jews in jail cause guess what, it’s the same. May god be with them and their so called “bad luck”.
Concentration and extermination camps
Okay so is it just me or are you ill of reading of all these dreadful things in which the Jews had to go through but dont don’t fret this is the last one. So as I was going through the facts in this section,the one that caught my eye in which I felt an abundant of sympathy towards the Jews, and I thought that the worst for the Jews was over, however it was not over as I now found out that The Nazis constructed six extermination camps: Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz, and Majdanek. (Auschwitz and Majdanek were both concentration and extermination camps.) Can you believe people well more like these monsters sent from hell by the devil to the Jews were sent to specially terrorize and to ruin these people lives, cause them pain, and sadness just cause the hated them.
What Does Holocaust Mean?
What shocked me the most about this was The Nazis used the term "the Final Solution" to refer to their plan to murder the Jewish people.
The Big Numbers
It surprised me that it is estimated that 11 million people were killed during the Holocaust. Six million of these were Jews. This is something I didn’t know and that I consider very sad.
Persecution Begins
What amazed me the most about this section was that, the Nazis then issued additional anti-Jews laws over the next several years. For example, some of these laws excluded Jews from places like parks, fired them from civil service jobs (i.e. government jobs), made Jews register their property, and prevented Jewish doctors from working on anyone other than Jewish patients.
From reading this section I was surprised by the fact that the Nazis would order deportations from the ghettos. In some of the large ghettos, 1,000 people per day were loaded up in trains and sent to either a concentration camp or a death camp. It’s sad to know people felt they could take somebody life’s in their hands.
Concentration and Extermination Camps
When I read this section I felt very sad because I didn’t know that the Life within Nazi concentration camps was horrible. Prisoners were forced to do hard physical labor and yet given tiny rations. Prisoners slept three or more people per crowded wooden bunk (no mattress or pillow). Torture within the concentration camps was common and deaths were frequent.
Jennifer p
I hadn't seen this before until now well the one that shocked me the most was, "When the Nazis decided to kill the remaining Jews in a ghetto, they would "liquidate" a ghetto by boarding the last Jews in the ghetto on trains." It's as if they didn't have a heart. Killing all those people that were inacent that hadn't done nothing to them but just because Hitler had the advantage then he was able to do what he wanted with out noone getting in his way. His was just too racist to the Jews. I believe that people shouldn't just be killed because someone feels like they shouldn't be alive. We should all be treated the same but even now there is still some racism out there.
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