Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Check Your FCAT Camp Points

At 9 p.m. this evening, I will be done entering points for FCAT Camp. I gave 5th and 6th credit for science; 1st and 2nd for reading camp; 3rd and 4th for writing and reading camp. I entered it in the book as 1 point, which may seem low for you, but I promise it's not. It was the only way I could give you partial points if you only came one or two Saturdays. It equaled to a one to three PERCENT increase, which is HUGE!

If you notice I did not credit you for attending camp, see me at lunch tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Hi Crod. I just came home from the hospital. Since yesterday I have been in and out cause I fell down the stairs. I was not able to do the Homework since I've been getting home so late.
