Hey there, guys and gals! First, I want to wish you luck on your AP test Wednesday! You are going to do SWELL! Remember, don't lay down, no matter how hard a question may seem, or how tired you are!!!!!
For Monday/Tuesday, you need to have a copy of The Great Gatsby. Our library has several copies, as do our neighboring libraries. If you want to buy your own copy, you can go to any bookstore, or you can buy one from me for $10. I bought only 20 copies, so the first 20 to bring in the money, will get a copy from me. Remember, I do NOT expect you to buy one; you can go to any library and borrow a copy for free!
For Monday/Tuesday, you need to have a copy of The Great Gatsby. Our library has several copies, as do our neighboring libraries. If you want to buy your own copy, you can go to any bookstore, or you can buy one from me for $10. I bought only 20 copies, so the first 20 to bring in the money, will get a copy from me. Remember, I do NOT expect you to buy one; you can go to any library and borrow a copy for free!
The one I have has a different cover. It's a bit old, but it's the same author, so it is probably the same one.
Crod, the readings and the vocabulary is due Thursday, right? And we just need definitions, synonyms and antonyms?
It's due Thursday for 5th; Monday for 6th.
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