Thursday, July 1, 2010


You can check your FCAT scores on your student portal! Many of you did really well, and some of you fell short. If you want to talk to me about your scores, feel free to call me. You needed to have 300 points or more to pass!!!!

For writing, here's my SUPER SIX crew: Carlos B., Kayla S., Kassandra C.

My FAB FIVE crew: Elisabet C., Paula F., Jennifer R., Joyce S., Jackie S., Andrea A., Ashley G., Hugo G., Monica H., Erika M., Sarai R.

Our FANTASTIC FOUR crew: Laysu, Lourdes, Ashely C., Vanessa D., Shantell, Daniela, Henry, Steppo, Ceci, Melissa, Elio, Yelsin, Dianelis, Anthony, Sarah, Yeny, Dante, Geisa, Gaby, Yuli, Natalia, Juan, Jennifer P., Adisney, Helen, Sarelly, Krystal, Kiara.

Only three of you got threes. No worries, though, this WILL HELP our school grade!!!! I am proud of you, too!

First period had a mean score of 4.45, and second period had a mean score of 4.2. GREAT JOB! I will treat you all to your ice cream and other prizes when we come back. WE WILL HAVE A BIG REUNION PARTY!

So proud of you all!!!